The Philosophy of Happiness: Can We Truly Define Joy?

Blkpostr Health
5 min readJun 14, 2024

What is happiness? Is it a fleeting emotion or a state of being? Is it a feeling? Is it an emotional response to something that happened to you or someone you loved?

Philosophers have grappled with this question for centuries, and their insights remain profoundly relevant today. As a counseling philosopher myself, I often struggle to define what happiness means to me.

The philosophy of happiness and the quest to define joy have been central themes in philosophical discourse for centuries. Philosophers, theologians, and thinkers from various traditions have grappled with the nature of happiness, its sources, and its implications for human life.

I bet you are only acting happy, but inside you think, ponder, and wrestle with your feelings of Joy

At one point in my journey of the unknown, I questioned whether I had ever been happy. I understand that you might find that a reach. Why? As carefree children, we are so glad humans on planet Earth to a certain extent.

Not every kid grows up happy and content with their environment. However, those who share are not afraid to boast in those shared experiences.

It would be great if your family understood



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