The Miracle of Emotional Intuition

Blkpostr Health
3 min readJun 18, 2024

In life’s journey, we are often reminded of the importance of intellect, strength, and perseverance. However, an equally powerful and frequently overlooked force resides within us: Emotional Intuition. This profound sense, a miracle in its own right, is the ability to perceive and understand emotions — both our own and those of others — without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s our internal guide and compass for navigating unchartered waters.

Many of my miracles began with my emotional Intuition. In fight or flight situations, my emotional Intuition would alert me to think clearly about situations that confront my sense of security. Emotional Intuition doesn’t create fear or panic but a conscious devolution of negative thinking. The silent whisper guides our hearts, and the gentle nudge steers us toward empathy, compassion, and understanding.

During my time in a 20-year relationship (prison), I had ample opportunity to reflect on the human condition and the qualities that make us resilient and connected. Emotional Intuition emerged as a beacon of hope and a tool for my survival. It allowed me to navigate the complexities of human relationships, even in the most trying circumstances. Given the choice to become an abusive man, my Intuition taught me to hold my peace and listen through the pain.



Blkpostr Health

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