Dialogues on Mental Health from Mandela to Musa: Circa 2024

Blkpostr Health
3 min readMay 3, 2024

Nelson Mandela: Mental health is the foundation of a community’s well-being. It must be nurtured with the same intensity and commitment we give to economic or educational reforms. As I once said during our long fight against apartheid, to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Barack Obama: Well put, Nelson. Genghis Khan, you led vast armies across Asia. Leadership in such times must have placed incredible stress on both the leader and the led. How do you see this issue?

Genghis Khan: In war, the mental strength of a warrior is as crucial as his physical strength. My empire was built on the resilience and the sheer will of our people. Today, though, we must focus that resilience not on conquering lands, but on conquering the stigmas of mental health.

Barack Obama: A powerful analogy. And speaking of powerful, Mansa Musa, your reign is known for its wealth and grandeur, but also your emphasis on education and culture. How would you approach mental health?

Mansa Musa: Education is key, Barack. We must educate our youth not only in sciences and arts but in understanding their minds. Wealth is not just gold and silver; it is the well-being of our people. Mental health care should be as…



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